Three weeks into training period number 2 everything is going good. I am learning new stuff and have just started doing self-massage with a medicine ball and some tennis balls. My foam-roller is in the mail and Mike Boyles; "Functional Strength Coach 3.0", is slowly being programmed into my brain these days.
My measurements for today:
Weight: 75.2 kg
Left thigh : 10 mm
Left sub scapular: 8 mm
Right suprailiac: 5 mm
Left abdominal: 10 mm
Right triceps: 5 mm
Lean body weight: 68.4 kg
Fat: 6.8 kg
So far I have gone up 3.2 kg in lean body weight and 1.2 kg fat. Not too shabby!
This week I skipped my Wednesday workout because of poor time-management (aka life). I also cut my Friday workout short in the sense that I only did the bulgarian split squats, bench press and one arm dumbell row. My numbers are still increasing and everything feels good.
The gym I use will get a trap-bar soon. Once it arrives I will use that instead of the conventional deadlifts simply because I can.
Once my foam roller arrives I will film how I implement it into my workouts.
Considering I really suck at this internet/blog-stuff, should I do a youtube-blog instead? Chime in if you have an opinion. My thinking is that more people would check it out.. ?