Saturday, December 12, 2009

Muscle building period #3

Like I mentioned in the video above; this last period was not very productive because of little sleep and too little food.

I have not gone up in weight and my fat-caliper measurements are about the same. I did gain some strength and had some fun, so it was not a complete waste.

In my third period I am going back to a routine that is similar to my first one. Since I have access to a trap bar I have decided to increase my 20 rep weight in the trap bar. I will ease into it and start with a fairly easy weight.

Like my first period, this period will consist of two full-body workouts; Mondays and Thursdays, giving me more time to restitute then my last period.

Mondays will look like the video;
  • warm up with foam rolling, some light stretching, dynamic stretching and some activation/mobility work
  • trap bar deadlift, 20 reps , taking short breaks when/if I need them
  • weighted dips, activation set of 12-15 reps followed by a total of 10-15 effective reps spread out in sets of 5-1 reps with 10-20 sec breaks between sets
  • facepulls, 2x10 reps
Thursdays might look something like this;
  • rear foot elevated squat, activation set of 12-15 reps followed by 10 effective reps divided into smaller sets of 5-1 reps with 10-20 sec breaks between sets
  • standing barbell press, 3x5 reps
  • weighted chinups, activation set of 8-10 reps followed by a total of 10 effective reps
  • one foot stiff legged dead lift, 2x10 reps
  • one arm dumbell bench press, 2x10 reps
  • standing and kneeling wheel-rollouts
These are my current thoughts for this period. My Monday routine is set, I will just have to test out my Thursday routine to see if it will fly.

Till next time: Do not hate..motivate! Do good and prosper!


  1. Definitely can't hate. Great work, Babbis!


  2. Thanks mate! Great blog you have! I will work on my internet-skillz to improve my blog..:)
